Reverse pomodoro.

Hello 2021. I am an university student. I don't think I like being one, and around two weeks before the christmas break my brain decided to literally stop all the productivity. Couldn't even get myself to check what I am supposed to be doing/learning. A tweet has helped me.
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A Duolingo helper to avoid skipping through corrections.

If, like me, you are used to mashing enter twice to go to the next lesson, inadvertently skipping corrections when you make a mistake, this userscript is for you.
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Git: include untracked and/or staged files in diffs

Using git's "Intent to add" feature, you can include a subset of untracked files in diffs.
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Golang snippet: int64 that serializes into JSON as string

Because Javascript doesn’t support 64 bit integers (everything is stored as a float64), if you’re sending them as JSON in a JSON API response to the browser, you probably want to convert them to and from ints.
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